25 Juli 2020-30 Juli 2020
14.00 - 16.00 WIB
Minggu Belajar Bersama Mentari Teachers Academy
25 – 30 Juli 2020
MBMTA adalah Program Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Guru yang konsisten dan berkesinambungan, dilakukan selama 5 hari penuh di minggu ke 4 setiap bulan untuk mendampingi para guru dan pendidik yang ingin terus belajar dan mengembangkan diri sepanjang tahun ajaran. Menghadirkan 10 topik penting dan menarik untuk guru, pendidik dan praktisi pendidikan dari jenjang TK-Universitas dari program Bahasa Inggris, Matematika, Metodologi, Pedagogi, Pembentukan Karakter dan Manajemen Pengajaran.
25 Juli 2020: 10.00 – 12.00
Science for Primary - Effective Teaching Ideas for Science in online classroom.
This session aims to prepare all educators with different ideas as they face the challenges of the "new normal". Education is a never-ending and lifetime process. It is hoped that the sharing of ideas on how to make the remote teaching of science more effective and productive. The success of education depends on strong support and collaboration between and among schools locally and globally.
Trainer: Hazel T. Victoria
International Class - The New Normal Education : A Perspective from Vietnam
Vietnam has the lowest infection rate of Covid-19 among the South East Asian countries. The education system has also returned back to 'normal' faster. This session will share information about the situation in Vietnam and about the implementation of how the learning process continued during the pandemic period. We can gain insight on how we are able to prepare ourselves to manage learning in the new normal era.
Trainer: Kate Steenkamp
27 Juli 2020: 14.00 – 16.00
English for Preschool - Interactive Online Preschool Teaching For Phonics Part 1
This session begins with looking at the most effective order of early learner literacy stages and how phonemic awareness & phonics are central to developing these skills. Focusing on monograph consonant phonemes & blends, this first phonics session is full of interactive activity ideas that can be used for both face-to-face and distance learning.
Trainer: Todd Cordy
English for Secondary - Interactive Online Activities for Secondary English for the New School Year
This session shows a modification of offline interactions into online activities which can still excite the students to follow the lesson. It provides ideas on the students' engagement and creative online learning activities. We will see how to manage the activities done via zoom and other online learning applications as well.
Trainer: Yuliana Dewi
28 Juli 2020: 14.00 – 16.00
English for Pimary - Interactive Online Activities for Primary English for the New School Year
This session explores creative, interactive ideas to teach English in a virtual setting that will grab the students' attention and encourage them to actively participate in the online learning. It focuses on engaging the students since the very beginning of the lesson, modifying the offline materials and activities, and managing the online activities.
Trainer: Yuliana Dewi
Filsafat Pendidikan / Filosofi Pendidikan Modul 1- Filsafat Pendidikan Bagi Pendidik PAUD (usia 3-7 tahun)
Membahas hakekat pendidikan anak usia dini menurut pemikiran para filsuf dan para tokoh-tokoh modern, seperti pedagogi dan psikolog pertumbuhan. Hal-hal apa saja yang perlu diketahui oleh guru dalam mengajar anak usia 3-7 tahun
Trainer: Fidelis Waruwu
29 Juli 2020: 14.00 – 16.00
Maths for Primary - Setting Up an Interactive Distance Learning for Primary Mathematics
This session aims to explore online tools that will be useful in planning and delivering primary mathematics content, as well as assessing students’ learning in a virtual setting. We will look into maximizing students’ engagement, checking students’ understanding, and promoting collaborative work during a virtual class session.
Trainer: Linda Setiawan
Filsafat Pendidikan / Filosofi Pendidikan Modul 2 - Filsafat Pendidikan Bagi Pendidik anak usia 8-12 Tahun
Membahas hakekat pendidikan anak usia sekolah menurut pemikiran para filsuf dan para tokoh-tokoh modern, seperti pedagogi dan psikolog pertumbuhan. Hal-hal apa saja yang perlu diketahui oleh guru dalam mengajar anak usia 8 - 12 tahun
Trainer: Fidelis Waruwu
30 Juli 2020: 14.00 – 16.00
Matematika Untuk Sekolah Dasar – Mengajar Matematika Interaktif, Komunikatif, dan Menarik Secara Online
Mengeksplorasi ragam perangkat lunak dan program digital yang berguna dalam perencanaan dan penyampaian materi matematika jenjang sekolah dasar, serta mengecek pemahaman siswa dalam konteks virtual. Pada sesi ini, kita akan mempelajar cara-cara untuk mengoptimalkan keterlibatan siswa di kelas, cek pemahaman siswa dan mendorong kerja kolaboratif antar siswa dalam sesi pembelajaran/kelas virtual.
Trainer: Linda Setiawan
Filsafat Pendidikan / Filosofi Pendidikan Modul Filsafat Pendidikan Bagi Pendidik Remaja (usia 13-18 Tahun)
Membahas hakekat pendidikan anak usia remaja menurut pemikiran para filsuf dan para tokoh-tokoh modern, seperti pedagogi dan psikolog pertumbuhan. Hal-hal apa saja yang perlu diketahui oleh guru dalam mengajar remaja usia 13 - 18 tahun
Trainer: Fidelis Waruwu
English Trainer
English Trainer
Character Building Trainer
Maths Trainer
International Class Trainer
Science Trainer